الاثنين، 21 يناير 2013


Diving is extremely popular in Dahab with the beautiful coral reefs being in immaculate condition. Famous dive sites include Abu Helal, Blue Hole, The Bells, Canyon, Coral Garden, Eel Garden, Lighthouse, Moray Garden, Islands, Three Pools, Gabr El Bint (boat dive), Ras Abu Gallum (boat dive).

Diving in Dahab is mainly shore based with easy entry points from the shoreline. This means there is no mad rush to the crowded jetty at the crack of dawn; the journey from the divecentre to divesite is made in the back of a 4-wheel-drive jeeps. We will always leave on time, and we will ensure you are treated as guests, and not as a tour group. You can choose which of the dive sites you want to dive.

Some General Information regarding diving in Dahab:
  • Air temperatures: reach 40°C (104°F) in August and fall to 20°C (68°F) in the winter
  • Water temperature: 20°C (68°F) in February to 27°C (81°F) from July to October
  • Suit: 3 mm or 5 mm wetsuit (November - April), shortie for rest of the year
  • Visibility: 20–40 metres (65–130 feet) on average
  • Type of diving: Reefs, walls, wrecks
  • Marine life: turtles, blue spotted rays, jacks, snappers, barracudas, lionfish, reef fish, colourful corals, octopus, many different kinds of fish
  • When to go: Any time of year, although if you prefer really warm water it is best to visit the Red Sea between June and September.
Course Type:
Introductory Dive
Discover Scuba Diving
Open Water Course
Advanced Course
Emergency First Response
Rescue Course
Dive Master Course
1:30 hour
half day
3–5 days
2 days
1 day
3–4 days
10–21 days
1 Dive
2 Dives
5 Confined + 4 Dives
5 Dives
1 Day Classroom
10 Water Skills
Training + Several Dives
40 Euro
70 Euro
250 Euro
210 Euro
100 Euro
265 Euro
500 Euro
Prices include license, full equipment (except Dive Master course), manuals, transportation and logbook for open water. 
Guided Dives :
Refresher Diver
One Dive
Night Dive
Three Day Package (6 Dives)
Five Day Package (10 Dives)
35 Euro
30 Euro
35 Euro
140 Euro
200 Euro
Prices includes equipment, transportation and guide.


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